Past Productions
The Other Woman
stories of love, deception and revenge
Written by adapted by Victoria Zackheim
Directed by Cecilia Fannon
Cast Sonja Berggren, Terri Mowrey, Pam Paulson, Rebecca Taylor, and Karen Wray
Venue The Garage Theatre
One Play ~ One Night ~ Multiple Cities
Features five wives, lovers and others talking openly about sex, deception, love, and betrayal in this compelling drama, drawn from Victoria Zackheim's anthology of essays. The play was read in theatres across the country on November 9, 2015. Panndora was one of those productions held at the Garage Theatre.
from Victoria Zackheim: "The five selected for this nationwide reading represent five very different experiences of infidelity. Connie May Fowler rants against it, Aviva Layton was the other woman and has no remorse, Maxinne Leighton became the other woman when she was a little girl molested by a trusted uncle, Mary Jo Eustace suffered a media explosion when her husband left her for Tori Spelling, and your piece pulls us into the life of a trusting woman who is figuratively stabbed through the heart by both her husband and her dearest friend"