Past Productions
Medusa Undone
a theatrical retelling of the little known Medusa origin story
Written by Bella Poynton
Directed by Sonja Berggren
Cast Carmen Guo, Derek Long, Caitlin Lowerre, Deneen Melody, Karen Wray
Production Team Set Design - Yuri Okahana, Light and Sound Design - McLeod Benson, Costumes - Rachel Engstrom, Stage Manager – Caitlyn Dominguez
Venue The Garage Theatre
A theatrical retelling of the little known origins of the MEDUSA myth. Before she was one of the greatest mythical monsters of all time, Medusa was a kind, beautiful sea-nymph in Athena's service. Unparalleled in both her beauty and devotion to the Gods, Medusa catches the eye of the charming but narcissistic Poseidon. Interested only in the passions of the spirit, and not the flesh, Medusa feels she has no choice but to reject the greedy God. She not only suffers violence at the hand of Poseidon, but also unknowingly incites a deep-seated jealousy in Athena, with horrific and disturbing consequences. MEDUSA UNDONE explores how rape culture reverberates through the ages, and calls attention to the great injustice suffered by female victims of abuse.