Past Productions
From Paris to Zanzibar
A collaboration with Long Beach Opera in preparation for two surrealistic comedic operas.
Venue Art Theatre, Long Beach
Panndora Productions joins forces with Long Beach Opera for an afternoon of of nonsensical learning to prepare you for the LBO premieres of the surrealistic comedies THE BREASTS OF TIRESIAS and TEARS OF A KNIFE.
Discover much needed directions to using your heart ...the best application of a stainless death ...why to turn Sacré-Cœur into a tram-depot to grasp the eye by a monocle ...why to avoid jam when attempting suicide to make 49,049 babies in a day.
Excerpts from Poulenc's The Breast of Tiresias and Martinu's Tears of a a Knife sung by LBO stars. Actors from Panndora Productions and Andreas Mitisek puzzle you with surrealistic stories, poetry & games from the Golden Age of Surrealism.
PRESCRIPTION: "Poetry should be made by all," the surrealist prophet Lautreamont declared. To create our own surrealistic poem, large doses of audience participation will be dispensed.